Yuk Intip Manfaat dan Fungsi Panel Surya Untuk Masa Depan Bumi!Sebagai wujud pemanfaatan energi alternatif berupa matahari, panel surya tidak hanya berfungsi mempermudah dan bermanfaat untuk manusia. Namun, alat ini juga memiliki manfaat yang luar biasa bagi bumi. Manfaat dan fungsi panel surya yang sangat banyak tersebut menjadikannya sebagai salah satu solusi terbaik untuk menjaga kesehatan bumi.Potensi Panel Surya di Indonesia2021.09.30 07:34
Hal-Hal yang Harus Diperhatikan dalam Memilih Software HRIS IndonesiaBefore choosing HRIS Indonesia software that suits your company, there are several things you need to pay attention to so as not to choose the wrong one. The selection of the right HRIS software will also have a positive impact on your company in managing existing human resources and administration. Let's understand some things to consider to choose HRIS software!Things to Consider Before Choosing HRIS Indonesia Software2021.09.23 14:36
3 School Values Applying at Global Sevilla International School in JakartaThe students spend most of their time learning at classroom activities. They will learn various things, including good values in life, academic goals, and how to behave. By studying at school, young learners will develop their inner abilities well. Therefore, Global Sevilla as an international school in Jakarta applies three school values. Here is the explanation about the values.2021.09.23 13:53